Thursday, July 30, 2009

Still waiting....

....and waiting. No baby yet and only 2 days before my due date. I feel like this baby is just too comfortable and seems to be crawling up higher into my chest avoiding the dreaded birth canal. So I'm giong to be one of those women who gets induced 10 days overdue, aren't I?!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Calm Before the Storm

It's been 10 days since I've finished work and exactly 10 days until my due date. I've definitely been enjoying this time at home and to say I've been busy nesting would be an understatement. I've almost tackled every room, drawer, closet and cupboard in the house. I've also been enjoying the outdoor pool at the gym which has been both good exercise and a lesson in patience with the 200 kids that join me there on nice days. I've been splashed on, bumped into, hit under water, nailed with noodles....but I guess I better get use to it;)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What's Up Doc?

Vicki had her weekly doctor's appointment yesterday, and believe it or not, she is in great shape! With the help of a friendly med student, Vicki has determined that she HAS experienced some warm up contractions. The doc thinks she'll now carry until about 39 weeks and wants her to track the babies movements on an hourly basis. If you're hanging around Vicki, don't be surprised if she blurts out "3:39pm, the baby's moving!"

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Baby Shower

Had my baby shower yesterday which was perfect in every way. All my favourite people, great food, fun games (for real!), and overwhelming amount of awesome baby gifts. Went through every card and gift with Jon and took about as much time as during the shower. Jon of course melted when he saw the Sens sleeper and read through every page of the baby album...the diaper genie is still a mystery to us however, but I know we'll figure it out once we start stuffing it with dirty diapers.

Thanks again everyone for coming!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Final Countdown

It was Vicki's last day of work yesterday and we are T-Minus 3 weeks to the projected delivery date of the world's next Wiseman. Everyone is asking "are you guys all ready?" and I have to say with absolutely no hesitation "yes?".

Stayed tuned for updates. If the delivery process is smooth I may just blog the whole thing!

Baxter is certainly in for a big surprise...