Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Channukah!

The first night of Channukah was awesome! Aunt Leslie made delicious food and Daddy made latkes for the first time and they were.....well....a great first effort;) I got lots of presents and my new train set completely blew my mind! Are there seriously 7 more nights like this?!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

'Tis the Season... spend time with friends and family...and the end of Movember! What a great weekend hanging with friends. Carter enjoyed a big night out at the Wiseman's and we had a great brunch at the Francoeur's.

Wow that ditch came out of nowhere!

This actually happened a few weeks ago, but not surprisingly, Kirkwood is still under construction and we haven't been able to park in our driveway for a month so this post is still pretty relevant as any visitor could meet the same fate as Grampa. Since 'the incident' we have been sure to warn anyone coming over NOT to pull into the driveway;)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Great weekend! Celebrated cousin Ben's 6th birthday, spent the day with my man Cameron, met my newest buddy, Carter Dubuc - only 1 day old, hung out with Curious George and got lots of candy on my first night of trick-or-treating. Mom and dad said they had fun too;)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New addition coming soon!

Ari is expecting a baby brother or sister in April! Here's a first glimpse of Baby-dub at 12 weeks:)

Baby Emma

We took a trip to Toronto for Thanksgiving weekend to meet baby Emma and visit with Andrew, Melody and Sloane. Even snuck in a playdate with Katherine Rogers:) Mommy fogot her camera so these are from her phone. Hopefully Uncle Brad will send some better ones to post soon.

Belive it or not I was actually excited to see the fire truck with all its lights flashing.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Guinness meets Ari

Krissy and Steve got a puppy! Baxter could have cared less about the cute little fur ball, but Ari and Guinness were best friends at first sight;)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Playing Catch-up's been 6 months and a lot has happened! I've had a lot of firsts (first trip to Vegas, to the east coast, first birthday, first haircut) enjoying them with friends and family along the way. Mommy ran a marathon, Aunt Leslie got a puppy and I grew up! Mom has committed to keeping everyone up to speed so you can share in these moments along with us.
