Saturday, August 1, 2009


No real progress to report since yesterday. Still feeling good and no major contractions so we're heading up to the cottage - I'll go crazy sitting at home! Jon's figured out how to blog in 'real time' so we'll make sure to keep this up-to-date:)

1 comment:

  1. Aiyaiyai! Have you timed how long it will take from the cottage to the hospital?! Or are you planning a "Cottage Birth"? A "Lake Birth"? Pretty cutting edge, but not a bad idea.

    I had planned on a "Bath Birth" for Jory, but far more traditionally-minded Ian opposed it. Mind you, my Labor-In-A-Hypnotic-Trance-While-Sitting-On-A-Birthing-Ball worked out pretty darn well!

    Thinking of you and getting very excited.

